Institute for Computational Neuroscience





Programming with MatLab

   MatLab is an integrated technical computing environment that combines numeric computation, advanced graphics, visualization, and a high-level programming language. In this seminar, we study the basics for the MatLab programming.

1. MatLab Basic (J.-H. Kim) (Sep. 24, and Oct. 1,). [PPT]

2. Interacting with MatLab (S.-Y. Lee) (Oct. 8, and Oct. 15,) [PPT]

3. Beyond the Basics I (Y.-H. Kim) (Nov. 5, and Nov. 19,) [PPT]

4. Beyond the Basics II (J.-H. Kim) (Nov. 19,) [PPT]

5. MatLab Graphics (S.-Y. Lee) (Nov. 30, and Dec. 3,) [PPT]

6. MatLab Programming (Y.-H. Kim) (Dec. 10,) [PPT]


