Institute for Computational Neuroscience






Two Ph. D. students of Saratov State University (supervisors: Profs. S. P. Kuznetsov and A. P. Kuznetsov) visited our Lab. in Nov. 2001.


  Alexei Jalnine (Saratov State University, Russia) [Final Report: PDF, MS Word]

      S.-Y. Kim, W. Lim, A. Jalnine, and S.P. Kuznetsov, "Characterization of the noise effect on weak synchronization,"

        Phys. Rev. E 67, 016217 (2003). [PDF]


      S.-Y. Kim, A. Jalnine, W. Lim, and S. P. Kuznetsov, "Characterization of the parameter-mismatching

        and noise effect on weak synchronization," Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 11, 81-86 (2003). [ PDF ]

      S.-Y. Kim, W. Lim, and A. Jalnine, "Intermittent transitions in the quasiperiodically forced maps," Applied

        Nonlinear Dynamics. 11, 55-62 (2003). [ PDF ]


      A. Jalnine and S.-Y. Kim, "Characterization of the parameter-mismatching effect on the loss of chaos

        synchronization," Phys. Rev. E 65, 026210 (2002). [PDF]



  Alexey Savin (Saratov State University, Russia) [Final Report: PDF, MS Word]

     A.P. Kuznetsov, A.V. Savin, and S.-Y. Kim, "On the criticality of the FQ-type in the system of coupled maps

        with period-doubling," Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 7, 69-77 (2004). [PDF]



